word: face
example: Sting is a face.
definition: A fan favorite who the fans cheer for, usually fights heels, and sucks up to the crowd.
word: heel
example: "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan is a heel.
definition: A rule breaker who is hated by the fans, breaks the rules, and is rude to the fans. (note: A real exception is Steve Austin, who is a face)
word: over
example: Al Snow's crazy gimmick is really over with the fans.
definition: When a wrestler gets a decent fan reaction or enormous fan reaction whether or not he is a face or heel.
word: kayfabe
example: Steve Austin didn't break kayfabe on a TV interview.
definition: When a wrestler stays in character throughout any situation. When a wrestler breaks kayfabe, he acts out of his wrestling persona.
word: work
example: Mikey Whipwrecks injury was a work.
definition: A happening or event that seems legit but was planned out and executed.
word: blade
example: In ECW, everyone basically blades.
definition: When a wrestler purposely makes himself bleed more from a cut given to by another wrestler.
word: pop
example: Vader got a huge pop at the Royal Rumble.
definition: Translates into fan reaction.
word: spot
example: Mankind did a crazy-ass table spot!
definition: A specific portion of the match. (i.e. table, top rope, etc.)
word: jobber
example: Barry Horowitz is a glorified jobber.
definition: A wrestler that always loses to better wrestlers to get them over and will almost never win unless he recieves a push.
word: mark
example: Todd Pettengill was a big-ass mark.
definition: Someone who thinks wrestling is real like the angles and works.
word: dog house
example: Faarooq was in the dog house for no-showing at RAW.
definition: Punishment for a wrestler if he does something severely wrong. Being in the dog house will result into a fine and regular jobbing.
word: out clause
example: Bret Hart had an out clause in his WWF contract.
definition: A way to get out of a long term contract that also allows the wrestler some control over his character for his last days with the organization; as the case with Bret Hart.
word: smart
example: There are many wrestling smarts around.
definition: Basically, a fan who knows the ins and outs of wrestling. Wrestling smarts are often criticized for not being smarts at all.
word: job
example: Bret Hart jobbed to Shawn Michaels at the Survivor Series.
definition: When any wrestler loses to another wrestler.
word: hardway
example: New Jack bladed the hardway.
definition: When a wrestler bleeds a whole lot more than what bladings can do. If juicing occurs, it would most likely not be a work.
word: gimmick
example: Dude Love has a hippie gimmick.
definition: The wrestlers' character that is specific and stands for something.
word: booker
example: Terry Funk is also a WWF booker.
definition: People who plan what will happen in a wrestling match or angle. Bookers come in the form of officials and wrestlers.
word: heat
example: There is a lot of back stage heat between WCW and the NWO.
definition: Hatred between two or more wrestlers that can be on-camera or off-camera. Heat can also be used in works and angles as well as legit happenings.
word: push
example: Tom Brandi is receiving a nice push.
definition: When a wrestler(s) is placed in an angle with a wrestler(s) or/and starts winning regularly.
word: squash
example: Taz beat Pablo Marquez in a squash.
definition: When a wrestler beats another wrestler (usually a jobber) in a rather dominant fashion.
word: revamp
example: Al Snow's gimmick has been revamped.
definition: When a promoter changes something in a wrestlers' character to make a significant change.
word: rib
example: "This better be one hell of a rib!"- Steve Austin
definition: To play a joke on another wrestler.
word: try out
example: Johnny Ace is receiving a try out with the WWF.
definition: When a wrestler who wants to join a federation gets tested to see if he makes the cut.
word: trademark
example: Razor Ramon and Diesel are trademarked by Titan Sports.
definition: A character likeness or name that is owned and copyrighted by a federation or in many cases, a wrestler.
word: faction
example: The NWO is a faction.
definition: Translates into a group of wrestlers with a group name.
word: given notice
example: Jim Neidhart gave his notice to the WWF.
definition: When a wrestler informs the federation that he works for that he's leaving.
word: rating killer
example: The Godwinns are rating killers.
definition: One or more wrestlers that decrease TV Nielson ratings.