Best Austin Quotes
"It's a great day to be a blonde."
Steve Austin and Brian Pillman's favourite quote, when they teamed as the Hollywood Blonds.
"You know, if you really think about it! You would have made a damn good looking woman!"
Steve Austin's comments about Johnny B. Badd (Marc Mero) Summer of 1994.
"Ricky Steamboat, you are one of the greatest wrestlers to ever lace up the boots, but I'm going to tell you right now, that you just saved yourself one hell of an asskicking!"
Steve Austin to Ricky Steamboat at FallBrawl 1994.
"You can get your ass out of the ring while he announces my name, because my name is Steve Austin, and tonight for a very, very short while, your name is Eric Bischoff."
Steve Austin to Mikey Whipwreck before one of their matches.
"You�re a piece of garbage! You don�t deserve to be in the same ring with Stone Cold, much less the same state! What I�m gonna do is forfeit the match right now son.
I�m gonna forfeit the match out of the goodness of my heart, because I�m in a good mood today! Years from now, you can say to your kids: I was fortunate enough to beat Stone Cold in a match, a forfeit no less, but it was a win!
The question I�m gonna ask you: Are gonna accept the forfeit? Or am I gonna have to go ahead and stomp your little guts in?"
Austin's proposal to Aldo Montoya. Of course Austin stomped Aldo's little guts in!
"The first thing I want be done is to get that piece of crap out of my ring! Don't just get him out of the ring, get him out of the WWF, because I've proven son, without a shadow of a doubt - you ain't got what it takes anymore.
You sit there and you thump your bible and you say your prayers, and it didn't get you anywhere. Talk about John. 3:16, Austin 3:16 says: I've just whipped your ass!!
All he's gotta do is buy himself a cheap bottle of Thunderbird, and try to dig back some of that courage, he had in his prime.
As the King of the Ring, I'm serving notice to every one of the WWF superstars. I don't give a damn what they are, they are all on the list, and that is Stone Cold's list, and I'm fixing to start running through all of them.
As far as this championships match is considered, son, I don't give a damn, if it's Davey Smith or Shawn Michaels. Steve Austin's time has come, and when I get the shot, you are looking at the next WWF champion, and that's the bottomline - cause Stone Cold said so!"
Steve Austin's speech at the King of the Ring 1996.
"Screwed my ass, Bret! You're sitting out there whining and crying, because you are a loser! I tried to come out and help you win the title. It could have been you and me going for it all at WrestleMania, but you blew the whole damn thing because you are a loser! Well Bret, at WrestleMania 13, you will say "I Quit" and someday, it will be you and me for the championship, and I will be the next WWF champion!"
Austin commentating about Bret Hart's loss to Sid in a steel cage match, before WrestleMania 13.
"Get your ass up - you longhaired freak!"
Austin to Mankind.
"DTA - you stupid piece of trash. Don't trust anybody. You ain't gonna be my partner, never. Cause you're a longhaired freak, and you suck!"
Austin to Mankind, after giving him the Stone Cold Stunner.
"Owen, you can pull down your trunks...pull down your little panties (Vince McMahon:"What?!")...bend over and I'll kiss him right on his ass, right in front of the world! Put that in the contract, I'll kiss his ass, if I can't kick it and that's the way it's gonna be!"
Austin to Owen Hart for their 1997 Summer Slam match.
"I couldn't understand a word you just said but it sounds like you're pissed..."
Austin to Faarooq.
"You got your little challenge, you think you're big and tough. You stand up there all jacked up. I got some challenges for you.
I challenge you to get a decent haircut!
Since you are a piece of crap, I challenge you to flush yourself down the comode"
Austin to Rocky Maivia.
"Because I am sick and tired of seeing Mike Tyson. He comes in, he is shaking everybody's hands, making friends with all the WWF superstars. And it made me so damn sick, that I've been in the back throwing up."
Steve Austin's opinion about Mike Tyson.
"Oh Hell Yeah! No more Mr. Nice Guy until after the Rumble"
Austin's statement after a couple of Stunners before the Royal Rumble 1998.
"I got nothing to say to you. Just park my damn truck, and if you scratch it, you're gonna get get your ass whipped."
Austin to Michael Cole, when he arrived at the Royal Rumble 1998.
(credit: Jester)