Alliance: Frontier Martial-arts Wrestling
ECW stars who have visited FMW: The Sandman, Sabu, Balls Mahoney, Tommy Dreamer, The Dudley Boyz
FMW stars who have visited ECW: Masato Tanaka, Mike Awesome, Uganda (Kamala II), Gedo, Jado, Kintaro (W*ING) Kanemura, Hayabusa (H), Jinsei Shinzaki (Hakushi)
Alliance Information: A deal that has seen many years and cut-offs, FMW stars still appear occasionally in ECW like W*ING Kanermura, Jado and Gedo. Former FMW mainstay The Gladiator (Mike Awesome) is now an ECW mainstay as World Champion. Masato Tanaka makes more appearances in ECW out of any other FMW star. Out of all the ECW stars who have frequented FMW in the Orient, Balls Mahoney makes the most stops in Japan.
Alliance: World Wrestling Federation
ECW stars who have visited the WWF: Paul E. Dangerously, The Eliminators, The BWO, Taz, Little Guido, Mikey Whipwreck, Sabu, Rob Van Dam, Chris Candido, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, The Dudley Boys, Pablo Marquez
WWF stars who have visited ECW: Jerry Lawler, Sunny, Darren Drozdov, Brakus, Al Snow, Scorpio, Doug Furnas, Jim Cornette, Papi Chulo (Essa Rios), Taka Michinoku, Vic Grimes
Alliance Information: See the WWF Interpromotional Deals for the history between ECW and the WWF. The deal was just a simple talent exchange in which the WWF supplys ECW with their contracted mid-card to rookie talent in an attempt for those stars to get over with the fans. If the WWF wanted the stars that they loaned to ECW back, they will have to return to the WWF since they are contractually obligated, as was the case with Al Snow. Not only will the loaned star return but he will use the gimmick he used in ECW that got him over. Recent stars that have been loaned to ECW by the WWF have been Darren Drozdov, Brakus, Doug Furnas and Sunny. In the past, ECW has let the WWF loan Rick Rude and jobber Pablo Marquez. Today in the year 1999, there are no more talks of talent exchanges with the WWF but both companies are not on bad terms. The latest WWF contracted wrestlers that have appeared in ECW were Papi Chulo, Taka Michinoku, and most recently Vic Grimes.