Real Name
: Adam Copeland
Past Identities: Sexton Hardcastle, Adam Impact, Adam Copeland
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 240lbs.
From: Orangeville, Ontario, Canada
DOB: October 30, 1973
Finisher: The Downward Spiral (modified face take down) or The Spear (running football-like tackle)
Years as Pro: 5 years
Background Information:
-As a single child, Adam Copeland was raised by his mother. During his wrestling career, he would depend on her many times to bail him out in situations where he would be stranded.
-Has known Jason Reso (Christian) since childhood. They shared the same interests in wrestling and ninjas.
-His highschool year book stated he was "most likely to win the WWF championship."
-Edge was trained at
Sully's Gym by Ron Hutchison and Sweet Daddy Siki after winning a 1992
essay contest on "Why I wanted to be a pro-wrestler" conducted by myself
and the Toronto Star. Sully's Gym is in Toronto but Adam is from
Orangeville, Ont. His frequent tag team partners Joe E. Legend and Christian Cage are also Sully's Gym products, with both myself and Siki training Legend while Cage
came to be trained at Sully's in Sept. 1994 after Siki had retired
completely from the wrestling training business.
Thanks to Ron Hutchison of Sully's Gym Pro-Wrestling for the previous information!
-His training lasted well over a year while the it would've costed him about $6,000 if he didn't win the essay contest.
-Teamed with childhood friend Christian Cage to form High Impact and The Suicide Blondes in many indy feds. Also teamed with Joe E. Legend as Sex and Violence to win indy tag titles such as the Canadian Wrestling Federation, Midwest Championship Wrestling and Midwest Championship Wrestling tag team championships.
-Has competed in various indy feds such as CWF, ECWA, WWA, ICW, Grand Prix, NWA, SSW, PCW and RWA.
-Wrestled Bob Holly at a WWF house show at the Copps Coliseum as Sexton Hardcastle in 1997.
-Took part in the WWF's "Funking Dojo" training camp shortly after signing with the WWF in January of 1998. Other camp members included Sean Morley (Val Venis) and Darren "Puke" Drozdov.
-Wrestled in many house shows and RAW dark matches as Adam Copeland months before WrestleMania XIV.
-Discussed what kind of character he would have with Titan suits in which they suggested names such as Riot and Rage. They also looked over various bands for ideas as well.
-Weeks after WM XIV, Copeland made his television debut in the WWF with promos of his new gimmick: Edge- a young, angry man who walked the streets of Toronto with a dark mood.
-After weeks of airing promos of Edge, Copeland makes his TV wrestling debut on RAW where he accidentally injures the neck of Jose Estrada, Jr. with a somersault leap over the top rope to the floor. Copeland would win the match via count-out.
-His first feud was with another training camp graduate David Heath (Vampire Warrior)- who debuted as the gothic Gangrel during the summer of 1998. Jason Reso (Christian) would soon join the angle after receiving rave reviews at the training camp.
-After dominating Gangrel in various house shows, Edge joins Gangrel and Christian to form The Brood.
-One of the more talked about factions in the WWF, The Brood has feuded with Al Snow's J.O.B. Squad while also playing a part in The Undertaker's Ministry of Darkness.
-Look for Edge to be a MAJOR break-out superstar in 1999. He will most likely win the European or even the Intercontinental title sometime this year!