Imagine our surprise. After almost a year of silence, the mysterious
Orangeville-born WWF grappler known simply as Edge (Adam Copeland to his
friends and family) has chosen to finally speak out on his gothic lifestyle
and his association with the enigmatic Brood. A lifetime wrestling fan
whose love for the sport translated into a career, Edge hasn't let his
new-found fame and fortune change Adam Copeland. Down-to-earth, well-spoken
and just a fun guy to talk to, Edge opened up to SLAM! Wrestling about his
bumpy ride to the top, his fellow Brood members and the friends and family
who supported his dreams.
Coming up you have the big Raw Is War date here in Toronto at SkyDome in
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: Yes. It's the biggest Raw EVER!
How do you feel about that since you are a local-boy-done-good?
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: Boy, it's a big thrill for me every time I wrestle in
the Dome. I did
my debut August 1st of '98 and that was a great feeling. I grew up watching
wrestling at Maple Leaf Gardens and at SkyDome. I was ringside for
WrestleMania 6 held in the Dome. So, for me to come back and wrestle there,
each time it's great but this time it's going to be the biggest Raw ever!
It's going to be seen all the way across the world so it's a very cool
thing. It will be a huge crowd too.
Did you ever think you'd be living out your dream?
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: Well, you know what? From Day One, I always said to
myself (without
sounding egotistical about it) that I was going to make it and I wasn't
going to quit until I did. I remember sitting down with one of my friends
(he's also a wrestler) and I said...There's no doubt in my mind that
eventually I will make it. And he said...Wow. I wish I had that kind of
confidence. I just wasn't going to give up.
Maybe not to the extent that it has gone. I mean, now I have an action
figure out. There's hats, T-shirts, calendars, video games, trading
cards...I mean you name it, we're on it. That's a little strange for me. I
always knew that at some point I would make it to one of the 'Big Two'.
This is a question from a reader named Stuart Marshall. Actually, he's from
London, England.
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: Oh, wow.
He asks...How have the other Canadian wrestlers in the WWF helped you out?
[Stuart Marshall]
Edge: Ah, let's see. Well, it's nice to have that little bit
of camaraderie
there because we are all Canadian. There's always the Canadian jokes and we
even call ourselves the 'Canadian Clique'. We joke around with all the
Americans. I tend to travel with some of the Canadians. I travel with Test
a lot. I travel with Val Venis a lot. There's Kurrgan and Christian. We are
all there for each other but even the American guys are there for us. It's
not by country anymore.
For the longest time, you weren't permitted to talk very much. Is it nice
to be able to open your yap now?
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling).
Edge: Well, yeah. It's good because now I can interact with
the fans and
because there are so many questions regarding The Brood and myself being
shrouded in mystery. But, that will stay still intact even though I am
speaking now. I would imagine soon that I'll be flapping my yap on Raw too.
In an interview you said that Gangrel is indeed a REAL vampire. Are you
serious? There's no such thing as vampires! [Sharad Nathan]
Edge: (laughs). Well, as much as a person can be a vampire
nowadays. I mean
obviously he doesn't go around and bite people in the neck and suck their
blood. That I know of. (laughs) But, those are real teeth and he lives the
lifestyle. That's his thing. It's definitely different, though.
So, those are REAL teeth? He's had them sharpened and stuff?
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: Yeah. I don't know exactly know the process he had
done. I remember
he was wrestling Scorpio in Maylasia a few years ago and he gave him a
German suplex. His tooth ended up sticking in Scorpio's butt!
Oh, man!
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: Scorpio went over and tore the tooth right out! So, I
don't know the
exact procedure he has to put those bad boys in but they're there.
Can't we expect a set on you any time soon?
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: (chuckles) Ah, no. That won't happen. Nope.
Who are you looking forward to competing against in the WWF that you
haven't faced already? [Rohith Lasrado]
Edge: That I haven't? Ummm. I am really looking forward to a
match with
X-Pac, a singles match. We did a little six-man thing once but I'd like a
match against him alone for the European title. Ah. Let's see. Who else? I
always enjoy wrestling Owen Hart. I've wrestled him a few times. He'd be
one guy no matter even if I wrestled him before, I'd love to do so again.
I'd like to take on Stone Cold. I'd like to wrestle The Undertaker. Yeah.
I've wrestled Kane, The Rock, Ken Shamrock, Helmsley...I guess I've pretty
much wrestled the rest of the 'big names'. But, Stone Cold, Taker,
X-Pac...Christian for that matter. Who knows down the road? There's a lot
of guys but those would be at the top of the list.
Before you came into the WWF there was a lot of hype. People we're saying
that you would be the next Shawn Michaels and so on. How has that attention
affected you?
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: You know what? I didn't hear it too much to be honest.
Some people
came up to me and said...They're calling you the next Shawn Michaels or the
next Ric Flair. And I'd go...Ric Flair? Wow. It's definitely a compliment
but our styles are completely different. I take it as a compliment but I don
't feel I have to live up to anything. If
that's what people perceive and think is going to happen then that's great.
But, I am not going to lose sleep if I don't feel I am not on that path.
The following question was asked by more of our readers than any other.
They want to know whether The Brood will be joining The Undertaker's
Ministry Of Darkness?
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: Ah, as of right now I deny that. Yeah. Everybody thinks
we were The
Druids and I deny that too. I haven't heard anything. I've just heard the
rumors that the fans have been talking about. If you look at it from a
distance you might think...Yeah. Those guys would fit...but if that were
going to happen, I think I would know by now. (laughs).
How did The Brood come about?
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: It was strange because Gangrel and I were fighting
pretty much every
night across the circuit. We were doing all the house shows together and
the crowd would cheer both of us. If I would do a move...they'd cheer. If
he would do a move...they'd cheer. So, I think what everyone realized is
that...hey, maybe these guys are better off together then against each other
because the crowd seems to be split. Since we got together, the reaction
seems to be pretty phenomenal. One way or the other whether they boo or
cheer, generally it's been cheering. The crowd seems to like us for some
reason. I don't know. We're pretty mixed-up cats but they tend to dig what
we're doing.
When Gangrel first came to the WWF, the two of you were at each other's
throats. At a recent Raw you teamed up with him and formed The Brood. What
was the problem with Gangrel and how did those problems get cleared up? [The
Edge: We knew each other before and didn't get along all that
great. I
always thought he was different, not my kind of guy. But, as the story
goes, he has this 'mind manipulation' over the guy who plays my 'brother'.
So, I could be joining the fold simply to bring Christian out or I could be
joining just because I'm having fun and there's power in numbers.
We're you instrumental in getting Christian into the WWF?
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: We did grow up together. We were always watching
wrestling together.
When I won a contest when I was seventeen years old from the Toronto Star
to train for free, I was always asking him to join and train with me.
about three years later he did.
You guys were the Suicide Blondes, right?
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: We were the Suicide Blondes and went to Japan together.
We teamed
across...well...pretty much everywhere. And then I did an independent show
in Pickering [Ontario].Carl De Marco, the Canadian President of the WWF in
was there. Eventually, they needed someone to wrestle in Copps Coliseum. So
they gave me a call. From there I kept in contact. Went out to Bret Hart's.
Trained with Bret. Bret said...You're ready. Then I went down and I signed.
At this point, Christian was still plugging away in the independents. So, I
signed my deal and had my foot in the door. I did the training camp last
January and they said...We gotta get you on television. Once I got on
television, I said...Well, if you are going to keep doing these training
camps, my old partner is real good and maybe you might want to take a look
at him. I kept bugging them about it and finally they did another training
camp and he got the invite. I opened the door a crack for him and he kicked
it open.
It's very interesting that you and Christian look some much alike. Some
fans really buy the brothers gimmick.
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: (laughs) Well, you cut either one of our hair off and
they probably
wouldn't think that.
So, it's the hair is it?
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling).
Edge: (laughs) Basically, yeah.
When you first debuted on Raw there was the Boricas incident. I think one
of them..was it Miguel?
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: Ah, Jose Estrada.
He got kinda crunched didn't he? Obviously you probably feel bad about it.
You didn't intend for it to happen that way.
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: You know what? It's one of those moves that...you
know...I'm flying
through the air and I just...land. Where the guy is, is really his concern.
It was one of those things where..man...you feel horrible but at the same
time, it's really no one's fault. When I got back everyone stressed that.
They said...Get over this because it wasn't your fault. That made me feel a
lot better. It just one of those moves and one of those risks we take
Which do you like competing in better? Singles or tag matches?
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: I guess I'd say I prefer singles competition over tag
but I do enjoy
tagging up because I have a lot of experience in tag teams...first with Sex
And Violence and then the Suicide Blondes and then with Gangrel. Now, it's
probably back with Christian again. Maybe that's why I enjoy singles a
little bit more. It's a lot easier when you only have to depend on yourself.
With Sex And Violence teaming with Joey Legend, we knew each other quite
well. Christian and I clicked right from the beginning because basically
we've been doing it since we were kids. Gangrel and I were thrown together
as a team and we seem to click pretty good so I am happy. The first couple
matches we worked the kinks out and then after that it seemed to go pretty
Talking about Gangrel, that's one question we have for you. We here at
SLAM! Wrestling always thought Gangrel was Canadian. Is he?
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: No. He's from Tampa, Florida. We've made him an
honorary Canadian
though! (laughs).
We've also received many messages about your Grand-Prix days. How about
those days?
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: That was actually a really good time. It was a lot of
traveling. We
stayed in Moncton. Christian and I had an apartment in Moncton on the
campus of the university there. We had to drive three hours to the show and
drive back three hours. So, you're talking six hours in one day then get up
the next morning and go to another one that was probably three hours away
too. But, you try and save your money by not getting a hotel room in that
town. You just try and get back to Moncton every night. It was definitely
tiring and it was a grind but it was a lot of fun.
I definitely had many good experiences there. I met a lot of nice people
and I learned a lot that summer. I was wrestling Bad News Brown in the main
events and from there I moved to another main event of Christian and I
against Rick Martel and The Jackyl. When you are wrestling three guys like
that every night for a complete summer, you're going to learn.
You're telling me. This reader writes...What is you daily nutrition and
training routine to keep in such good shape? [warriordx]
Edge: Actually, right now I am not feeling in that great of
(snickers) It's tough. It depends. When I am at home, I can stick to my
diet. I can do my cardio and train the way I want to. When I am on the road
then it's alot different. You basically do what you can when you can.
When I am at home generally I'll roll out of bed and hop on the bike. Then,
I'll go down and have some breakfast. Then, I'll have a protein shake.
Then, I'll have some lunch. Another protein shake. Then dinner and another
shake without any carbs. After six, I try and cut out my carbs so I stay
lean because they'll store as fat if you don't use them.
When I am on the road, you eat what you can because you aren't eating
enough to worry about it, really. But, it does affect you. When you're on
the road, you fly into the city, go to a gym and work out. Your workouts
are always lacking because you're tired. You go to the arena and do the
show. From the show (it's about eleven o'clock) you try and find a
restaurant that's open. Generally, there's Denny's. So after Denny's, you
go back to your hotel and sleep. Anything you've eaten - whether it be bad
or good - you're sleeping on it. Then, you get up the next day and go
through it all again.
It's a tough grind on the road. I never understood h ow these guys stay in
the shape they do when they are on the road. It's a tough thing to do and
What was it like training with Ron Hutchison? [Greg Oliver, SLAM! Wrestling]
Edge: Oh, it was great! Actually, I had dinner with Ron last
night. He's
one of those who really cracks the whip and at the time you're like...Man!
What's he doing to us! He wouldn't let me have a match for a year. I
trained for a year until I finally had a match. At the time, I was
like...Man! I'm ready to have a match. I'm ready! I'm ready! He says...No!
Wait! Wait! Wa it! I thought he was wrong but looking
back he was completely right because when I had my first match, I went out
and had a hell of a match.
Who did you fight and did you win?
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: It was a tag team match. It was myself and The El Fuego
Kid against
Joey Legend and Zack Wylde in Monarch Park. I still trained for another
year after that and wrestled whatever shows were around. I believe I was
ready for my first match. A lot of schools tend to throw guys out too soon
and it shows. But, Ron makes sure that before he throws you out there,
you're ready. At least with us, that was the case. Everyone of us that came
from that class, myself, Joey Legend, Zack Wylde, El Fuego, Johnny Swinger
down in WCW and Christian, all came from one group and I feel we are all
damn good wrestlers!
Do you still keep in touch with Zack Wylde, Scott D'Amore....
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: I sure do. I'm always going out with Zack all the time.
He makes me
laugh too much to stop hanging around him. It's a little bit tougher now
that I am on the road but I'm always hanging out with Zack, Joe, Christian
and I talk to Johnny Swinger all the time. All the guys I cut my teeth
with, I still talk to.
How about Rod Boudreau, Ms. B. Haven? [Terry Harris]
Edge: Last night was my first opportunity to meet him. I met
him and got in
there to show the guys some things. What they were doing wrong....or what I
thought they were doing wrong. I tried and help them improve themselves a
little bit. These were guys that were all very new to it so they were just
taking their baby-steps right now.
How much creative input do you have in regard to your character? [Tracy
Edge: Actually, I've been lucky. So far it's been a
collaboration. Where
some guys get their gimmick handed to them and a side of them will come out
eventually. They get their gimmick handed to them, their name, everything.
Whereas mine, I don't think they knew what they wanted to do with me. They
knew they wanted to get me on television but they didn't know doing what.
So, they said they wanted me to be this 'nineties-rock n' roll' guy.
Originally, the outfit they had I wasn't fond of so we came together on
that because I think when everything comes off, you should look like a
wrestler. I still believe that.
I held out to make sure I would wear tights rather than leather pants or
something like that. Plus too, they'd constrict me especially with my
style. And the name...well they had a few names in mind. Jackyl and I were
riding from Albany to Syracuse one day and we were going through names. I
wasn't fond of the ones they came up with.
What were some of them?
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: They had Rage. Riot. I don't know. I just didn't seem
to fit. So, we
were driving and I thought...Okay, they seem to like the
four-letter-one-name thing. So, let's see what we could come up with. We
just started throwing around band names. You know, the Offspring was thrown
around for awhile. Then, we finally came on Edge from U2 and it's kinda
contempory. A lot of radio stations seem to use it, but I thought it would
I'm a big wrestling fan from Winnipeg, and I've been watching the sport for
as long as I can remember. Edge, I remember when you used to wrestle here
in Manitoba as part of the IWA. How does it feel to go from wrestling in
front of a hundred or so people at the Centennial Arena in Portage La
Prairie, to wrestling in front of almost 20,000 on a nightly
basis. Do you miss the small Canadian towns and arenas? [Dan Feriolo]
Edge: Well, that's the good thing about the independents. I
mean I wrestled
in front a lot of crowds of a hundred, I wrestled in front of one crowd of
six people...(laughs)...I don't miss the crowd of six, to be honest. When
it's a crowd of a hundred, it's a lot more intimate. You can jaw at one fan
in particular and the whole crowd will react because they can hear you.
But, when it is a crowd of 20,000 - which we are doing now every night -
it's great! I will admit, it psyches you up alot more when there's 20,000
people as opposed to a hundred.
The only thing now is rather than personally talking to a fan, you gesture.
By your movement alone is how you have to get a crowd to react. It's
definitely a transition you have to get used to. I remember some of the
guys telling me...you don't have to talk to just one person because the
rest of the crowd can't hear you. Just use gestures. Your movements will do
the trick.
I'm a monumental WWF mark from Sydney, Australia and I'm loving everything
to do with The Brood. Edge, how is the gothic life-style angle going to be
played out? Are the fans supposed to think that you are legitimate vampires
or that you just
lead a "gothic life-style" and drink some type of grape juice? [Julian Shaw]
Edge: (laughs loudly) Well, Gangrel is the only vampire.
Christian and I
aren't vampires. If anything, I was a vampire slayer. Just not as good
looking as Buffy. Christian and I just lead a gothic lifestyle. We're dark.
We're mysterious. We come out at night and have fun. It's like a lot of
people our age. Gangrel, obviously he has his teeth and you'll notice he's
the only one drinking that 'viscous fluid' as it's called. So, you'll never
see Christian and I down with any of that. We lead a dark, mysterious,
brooding lifestyle.
Who are your mentors and your idols? Which superstars do you model Edge
after? [Jamie Frey]
Edge: I always liked the guys that were under-rated. The guys
I felt who
were under-rated. Bret Hart was huge for me while growing up. He was a big
influence. Shawn Michaels was a major influence. I always thought 'Cowboy'
Bob Orton was great.
Oh yeah! You gotta like that cast he had. How many months was that guy
injured again?
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: Yeah! And Ricky Steamboat too. Which brings me to this
match I have
on tape from 1985, those two fighting in Washington. And, man! I am amazed
every time I watch it. Ric Flair. Randy Savage. Guys who really knew their
craft well. Don't get me wrong. I respect Hulk Hogan. He's charismatic guy.
I was one of those guys who always wanted to see a wrestling match. Not
punches and kicks and that's it. If you could throw in some nice exchanges
in there, I was always impressed. So, they were guys like that. Guys I
respected and looked up to.
Coming from Canada, you can't forget Stampede Wrestling! It was a big
influence on me as well. There was Owen Hart, Chris Benoit, Brian Pillman.
I watched guys that growing up too so that really influenced my style and I
think it shows. And to wrestle Owen on a pay-per-view eventually when he
was a guy I watched growing up - and I am not saying he's old because he
was young when I watched him - it's very cool to get in there with guys you
When you fought Owen at INYH: Breakdown were you really, really nervous
about it?
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: You know what? I wasn't. If anything, I wanted to prove
that I was
ready to be in there with one of the world's best. I wanted to make sure
that this match would show that I could hang with one of THE wrestlers in
the world. I think I made a good showing for myself. I was really happy
with that match.
It is great to see a fellow Canadian succeed in pro wrestling. What advice
you would give an up and coming wrestler to succeed in the business as you
have? [Vijay Hemanchal]
Edge: Ooooh. Ah. Be patient. I know it's definitely tough. I
ate a lot of
cans of tuna and drove across a lot of lakes in Manitoba and winter roads. I
slept on a lot of blue mats. I wrestled for free in the beginning. I set up
the ring and wrestled for free. You got to be ready to pay your dues. No
doubt about that. If you pay those dues, you'll get a different respect for
the business. Once and if you do make it, then the guys will have a
different respect for you as well. If you just walk into something, it's
going to be tough to get the guys on your side at first which is a BIG
So, I would say be patient. Get ready to be broke for awhile. It's tough to
have a girlfriend because you'll either be traveling all the time and
you're not going to be making money so somebody's got to put up with that.
It's nice if you can have the support of your family because they can
always bail you out. I was bailed out by my mom numerous times. Those are
all important factors but just don't think it's going to happen overnight.
I've been doing it for six years now and it took me four which is short in
our business. Alot of guys don't make it in four years. I'm pretty
fortunate. Most guys have to cut their teeth alot longer than that. That's
my advice.
You mentioned the support of your mom. She must be some kind of lady to put
up with that kind of stuff.
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling).
Edge: Definitely! (laughs) But from Day One she knew that I
wasn't going to
give up on this. She thought...I'm going to support this kid because in the
long-run it's going to pay off for him. I can just think of times where I'd
be miserable, not making any money. I remember being stranded in Tennessee.
Christian and I were down there. We had enough money each day to buy a
hamburger. So, that was our meal for the day. Eventually, we were told we'd
have eighteen shows. It worked out to three. We had to go around and get
ourselves booked. This guy said he was going to book us on a bunch of shows
and he didn't have any.
So, we were stuck. We had no way back home and no money to our names. I
called home and said...Mom. I don't know what I am going to do. She said,
Okay. Hold on. She put what money she had in the bank and we did a 36-hour
bus ride home without shaving, eating or showering. Christian and I looked
pretty rough at that point when we got home but it was nice to get there.
Man! Your mom must really believe in you!
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: It means a lot. The good thing is for all of my
matches, she always
been there. Locally, she always there. My first show in Copps Coliseum
against Bob Holly. She was sitting in the first row. So was Joey Legend. So
was Christian. So was Zack Wylde. So was El Fuego. Now, my girlfriend's up
in the box with my mom at all of the SkyDome shows. It's a very cool thing.
Now does this message ring any bells...?
I never imagined that I would ever actually know a wrestler.
It's funny. All that time when we were working in Square One, it never
dawned on me that you were a wrestler of the professional sort. For some
reason I always thought you meant for Humber College. When I reflect on it
now, we could have had some great conversations on the subject. It's been
awhile since we last met up but I've been following your career on TV, on
the net, and I'll certainly be watching the Toronto RAW broadcast closely.
I am happy to see that your star is rising. I know that Adam is far removed
from Edge but you play it well. ishing you all the success in the world.
[Eric (HMV no longer)]
Edge: Yep. I remember him. He's no longer at HMV? Damn! That'
s where I
always ran into Eric. Eric's a great guy. We always talked about wrestling.
Being a professional wrestler wasn't one of those things I told people that
I did. If it came out, great. But I never walked around and said...I'm a
pro wrestler! I was going to Humber College for radio broadcasting and he'd
always came
in. We were right around the corner from each other. We'd just talk about
That's cool. I went to Humber for journalism. I went there for about two
years then split over to Centennial.
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: Really? Wow. Well, no one really knew at the time how
determined I
was about it. People close to me did. Unless you got close to me, you
wouldn't know how determined and serious I was. But that's good that he's
watching. I always ran into him when I went shopping at HMV. Now, I guess I
won't. I'll run into him again, eventually. So, say 'Hi!' to him for me.
(Editor's Note: Edge says hello, Eric.)
I would like to know what he thinks of all of the fan sites on the Internet
devoted to him. Most of them are completely devoted to his looks, and not
his wrestling talent, and I would like to know his thoughts on that.
Edge: Yeah. I've noticed that too! It's definitely a
compliment and I thank
people for thinking my ugly mug is good looking. That's flattering. I
appreciate all of that. Keep it up! But, it does seem my wrestling skills
get overlooked sometimes. You know what? The guys tend to notice the
wrestling skills. And hopefully guys will say...This guy can really work.
I've been on some of the sites sometimes and guys write just to instigate
the girls, and say...Oh, he's gay! He's a loser! And you know what? I'd
probably do the same thing. If I were a fan and I saw that a bunch of girls
were writing about one
guy...I'd write in and say...This guy's a loser! Generally, I think the
guys respect what I do. Maybe after I've traded blows with Stone Cold the
guys will respect me a little bit more.
Maybe you'll have to do one of those flips off the cage like Foley!
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: (laughs loudly) Well, I have thought of some crazy
things that I'd do
if I ever got into the Hell In A Cell. (laughs).
I was just wondering what is your tattoo of? [Melissa]
Edge: Oh, geeze. The one that I have right now is the one I
got when I was
seventeen. So, no one out there copy what I did because now I look back at
it and wish I got something different. Now, I'm 25 and I'm going to have to
get it covered. I wanted to get it covered with something else. Pretty soon
it will be probably a black sun with a bunch of cool looking rays to cover
it up.
What is it right now?
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: Right now, it's a shark. If you look really closely,
and you can't
tell because Christian wears a shirt, we have the same tattoos. His is of a
bulldog and mine is of a shark. I have a really big fascination with
sharks. I think they are really....weird...and cool - for lack of a better
term, so I decided to get a shark tattoo. My buddy who draws a comic book,
he draws Fred The Possessed Flower. That's Happy Nick. He designed both of
our tattoos. He actually came up with my previous name, Sexton Hardcastle
as well. He's always the guy I go to for creative input. He helps design my
tights. I design a lot of my stuff and he helps with that. He helps
Christian design his too.
Well, you gotta like the Seinfeld-puffy-shirts going on there.
- John Powell (SLAM! Wrestling)
Edge: (laughs) Yeah! I like that I'm not wearing one!