It appears that Edge is finally getting his long awaited singles push. After teasing a break-up of The Brood late last month and early this month, Gangrel victimized Edge with his Impaler DDT on the 7/11 edition of Sunday Night Heat. The next night on RAW, Gangrel pushed Edge into his fire hole entrance during their match. At a house show in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Edge (who was subbing for Ken Shamrock who had flight problems) defeated Jeff Jarrett for the Intercontinental Championship. Edge would lose the belt back to Jarrett the next night at Fully Loaded, however. More good news for Edge, he and Val Venis' sister are now officially engaged.
On the 6/8/99 RAW and Heat tapings, Edge collapsed under the Titantron and layed motionless for 15 minutes after walking up the ramp after being eliminated from the Brood vs. Hardy Boyz / Michael Hayes Survivor Series type match. With Gangrel and Christian by him, Edge was stretchered off and taken to a local hospital. Thankfully, Edge only suffered a stinger and will likely miss this weekends house shows.
Despite recent rumors, Adam Copeland (Edge) is still engaged to Sean Morely's (Val Venis) sister. They have not married yet.
Correction from the last bit of news, The Brood will be in NY signing autographs on April 24 in West Nyack, NY. They will be at the New Pallisades Mall from 12pm to 2pm.
Edge will be at Tri County Mall in Levittown, NY from 2:00 to 4:00 PM on April 24.
credit: Jeff Jacobson
WWF superstar Edge appeared on TSN's Off The Record with Michael Landsberg on 03/18. Here are the highlights of what occured:
Opening Segment:
Video clips were shown of Edge coming to the squared circle to face off against Triple H from the 01/11 edition of RAW. The announcer stated that you can call him Adam Copeland, but in the WWF, he is The Edge.
Michael Landsberg introduced the individuals joining Edge on the show first. He was joined by Atlanta Falcons star O.J. Santiago and author Douglas Century.
He then introduced Edge to more clips of his match against HHH, and Edge stated his name is just "Edge" not "The Edge". Edge had died his hair bleach blond and was wearing a green t-shirt, jeans, and a large cross. He said later in the show he will promote WrestleMania.
Segment 1:
They discussed the firing of Toronto Blue Jay's manager Tim Johnson, and Edge stated that it is all about winning in regards to coaching in professional sports. They then discussed Sammy Sosa bowing to the crowd during a baseball game yesterday, and whether it was disrespectful. Edge thought that Sammy was one of baseball's most respected, and he didn't think that was in bad taste at all.
All four talked about the SuperBowl a bit as the show cut to commercial.
Segment 2:
This segment was generally about violence in sports, and injuring people. All four agreed it shouldn't be intentional. A debate was brought up on how Edge shouldn't talk since he was in a very violent sport. Landsberg defended Edge, stating wrestling was now the "sports-entertainment" business. Edge said Bill Romanowsky spitting in another players face this past football season was in bad taste.
As the show cut to another commercial, a fact was shown on the screen talking about Edge's previous gimmick that was similar to Val Venis' "Sexton Hardcastle."
Segment 3:
This segment they discussed education being priority over sports, and how Canada can't match up to U.S. in sports, but U.S. has a horrible rate of college graduates, while Canada doesn't. Edge said education is more important, which surprisingly brought up a bit of debate. Young talent was discussed and it was mentioned how Edge was certainly a young talent, that needs to "bloom."
The show was almost out of time, as they cut to one final commercial.
Segment 4:
O.J. Santiago promoted the NFL, Mr. Century promoted his book, and Edge promoted WrestleMania, "the comapany's biggest show ever" according to Edge. He said he wasn't sure if he wrestling or not.
As the show faded to black, they talked a bit about the Lennox Lewis fight.
Edge will return to Toronto this week to tape Off the Record on TSN. The program will air on 3/18 at 6 pm EST.
Edge and Terri Runnels will be at the Trumbull Shopping Park on February 7 at 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the JC Penney Court. Autographs will be $10 each while Polaroid photos will be available for purchase. To get there, exit 48 from the Merrit Parkway. The Trumbull Shopping Park is 30 minutes north of Stamford, Connecticut and 30 minutes south of New Haven, Connecticut. Yesterday on "Open Mike" on Comedy Central in Canada, Edge revealed that he is actually romantically involved with Val Venis' sister.
Edge will be on "Open Mike" on February 2 on Comedy Central in Canada. Edge will also be on the cover of TV Guide in Canada with Stone Cold Steve Austin. Edge has been on many shows as of late as his popularity continues to grow.
Ron Hutchison- Sully's Gym Wrestling Trainer
(Toronto, Suplex Media)--World Wrestling Federation Superstar Edge (Adam Copeland) returned to his roots at Sully's Gym in Toronto this past week with not one but two visits to his former alma matter.
On Tuesday the 'tortured soul' returned for the first time in almost 5 years to the famed west end Toronto boxing and wrestling gym and TSN's
Gallager was on hand for the homecoming. Later that evening clips of the Edge and Gallager aired on the Gallager Live show on TSN.
On Thursday the Edge returned and made a surprise visit to offer encouragement and see the latest crop of Sully's Gym wrestlers.
On behalf of all of the boys at Sully's I would, personally, like towelcome the Edge home. The Edge is a class act and true gentleman. May
he be met with nothing but success in his future World Wrestling Federation endeavours!
And wrestling fans are encouraged to keep their eyes on the Suplex Media website as photos of the Edge's homecoming will be uploaded to the site in the days ahead.
Edge has appeared in three different TV interviews on TSN this past week including Off the Record and Gallager. On those interviews, Edge has been described as very knowledgable in sports and articulate. He stated that the Brood won't be joining Undertaker's Ministry of Darkness among other topics.
Edge's TSN appearance has been pushed back to January 19. In contract news, it appears that Edge and Christian have signed extentions to their existing WWF contracts. The length of those contracts are unknown.
On January 2, 1999 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Edge and Christian will be at JD Byriders Division Avenue at 12 to 2 PM for an autograph session.
credit: Sunny Sandhu
Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Val Venis, Edge, and Kurrgan, are all at the
Special Olympics Sports Auction, in Toronto. It was broadcasted on TSN.
They were trying to help get donations for the Canadian team by picking
up phones to collect donations. They were not on the show very often,
but a clip of Edge, Val, and Bret was shown.
Edge loses to Tiger Ali Singh in record time at the UK PPV Capital Carnage.
credit: Joe De Leon
December 8-9 - Special Olympics, Sports Celebrities Festival
The Sports Celebrities Festival is an organization that holds events across Canada to raise funds for and awareness of Special Olympics. Special Olympics is the organization which provides ongoing sports programs for Canadians with a mental disability.
The Sports Celebrities Festival begins with a private Welcoming Reception for Celebrities on the 8th. Val Venis, Edge, Kurrgan and Carl DeMarco, President - World Wrestling Federation Canada will be attending both the reception and dinner.
On the 9th, there will be a Breakfast, again attended by Edge, Val Venis, Kurrgan and Carl DeMarco. Following the breakfast, at 12noon, there will be the Darryl Sittler Skate at Mel Lastman Square. The Darryl Sittler Skate offers the public, students and media a unique opportunity to share lunch and a skate with their favorite sports celebrities. Teams comprised of celebrities including WWF Superstars Edge, Val Venis, Kurrgan and Jason Sensation, media representatives and Special Olympics Athletes compete in a fun-filled skating relay race, vying for the Lanny McDonald Trophy.
Also on the 9th will be the Sports Celebrities Festival Dinner and Auction. Guests for this gala event include Carl DeMarco and WWF Superstars Owen Hart, Kurrgan, Edge, and Val Venis. Guests will be treated to a unique evening of sports celebrities, first-rate entertainment and exciting auction items such as cool WWF merchandise. Auction items in the past have included a '98 Toyota Corolla, trips and a Glastron SSV 170 Se Power Boat.
The star-studded evening will be part of a live broadcast across the country on TSN. During the live telecast, "The Sprint Canada Pledgeline" will accept donations of cash or personal air miles from viewers across the country. The general public will also have a chance to call in their bid on certain auction items
After about a month since forming The Brood, the faction is now locked in a feud with another new faction- Al Snow's J.O.B. Squad; after Christian lost the Light Heavyweight Championship to the newest member of the J.O.B. Squad- Duane Gill; with help from the Squad on the 11/23/98 edition of RAW. Both factions are rumored to do battle on the next WWF PPV: Rock Bottom, in a six man tag match.
On the live 11/1/98 broadcast of Sunday Night Heat, Edge, Gangrel and Christian make their debut as a faction by beating The Oddities in a six man tag match. The name of this new gothic faction is now The Brood.
On the 10/26/98 RAW, an unholy alliance between Edge, Christian and Gangrel seems to have been formed as all three triple team a lonely Kane.
On the 10/5/98 RAW, it was revealed that Christian Cage, now known as Christian, will play the role of Edge's younger brother. It is rumored that Gangrel will eventually suck the blood of Edge in order to unify themselves.
Former tag team partner of Edge "Canadian Rage" Christian Cage makes his first WWF appearance at Breakdown after receiving rave reviews at the Funking Dojo. Cage causes Edge to receive his first pinfall loss to Owen Hart by distracting him from the crowd before leaving. The next night on RAW, Gangrel and Cage cause Edge to fall victim to D-Lo Brown in a six man four corners match to determine the number one contender for the European Championship. It should be noted that Cage's official WWF ring name has not been made public yet.
Edge will take on Owen Hart at the WWF's next Pay-Per-View Breakdown in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada at the Copps Coliseum.
On September 25, in Reading, Pennsylvania, Edge will join other WWF Superstars in a Pennsylvania Championship Wrestling (PCW) card. Edge is scheduled to face Music City Wrestling (MCW) light heavyweight star Flash Flanagan.
Edge makes his PPV debut at SummerSlam: Highway to Hell successful by teaming with Sable to defeat Marc Mero and Jacqueline.
On the live broadcast of RAW, Edge attacks Gangrel after losing to X-Pac by disqualification when Double J attacks X-Pac with a guitar. After pummeling Gangrel for several seconds, Gangrel stands up and grins a sick smile at Edge as he gets escorted out of the ringside area.
While it seems that Edge won't be competing for D-Lo Brown's European Championship at Summer Slam, it looks like Edge may finally have his first feud after numerous attacks on various WWF Superstars. The st range look that Edge gave to recent WWF Funking Dojo camp graduate, Gangrel (Dave Heath) at a recent RAW tells the story.
In the September issue of RAW magazine, The Informer hints a future angle between Edge and The Jackyl. Both men have known each other for years in the Canadian independents and now that Jackyl is no longer with the Oddities, it would be logical to place him in an angle with Edge because of their past. A n angle with Edge would give Jackyl his much deserved push since arriving in the WWF late last year and the angle would no doubt shed some light on the orgin of Copeland's dark persona.
(8/3/ 98)-
While the WWF has no plans to develop a Flock-like stable with Edge (Adam Copeland), Copelands former tag team partner Christian Cage has greatly impressed WWF executives at the Funking Dojo (training camp). A tag team for mation is possible, but the WWF wants to get Edge over and even a title before anything is progressed gimmick-wise. If Cage signs a contract, I wouldnt look for him until later this year.
A Press Conference at the taping of TSN OTR this afternoon with Michael Landsberg had Tiger Ali Singh, Carl DeMarco, Owen Hart and Val Venis (who was just wearing a towel, no shoes- nothing.) Val said that he was fighting Kurrgan at Skydome. Then they showed Edge, another Toronto native, and the Undertaker came in a stretch limo. These were all the witnesses in the signing of WWF RAW and TSN for 5 yrs. After TSN Sportsdesk sent out John Gallager to do interviews, he interviewd Undertaker, Owen, and tried to get a word with Edge but, he never spoke.
Edge has made recent attacks on certain WWF wrestlers including Marc Mero, and this Monday on Raw is War (8/3/98), D-Lo Brown. The question is, where will Edge find himself in a feud? The next live Raw is War in Omaha, Nebraska on August 10 1998, D-Lo will reportedly challenge Edge for D-Lo's European title shot at SummerSlam. So it appears that after this Monday, Edge will find himself in his first feud and hopefully title shot.
The Canadian show "Off The Record" will have Edge, The Undertaker
and Val Venis on July 31 after the press conference. It is free if you're live in Canada and it is at Gate 8 at
(7/23/98)-Edge will don a Toronto Blue Jays' uniform and take batting practice prior to the Jays' July 30th home game against the Texas
(7/20/98)-Edge attacks "Marvelous" Marc Mero at the July 14 RAW tapings (aired the next Monday on July 20); hinting a future feud.