Alliance: New Japan Pro Wrestling
New Japan stars who have visited WCW: Masa Chono, Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Koji Kanemoto, Keiji Muto (Great Muta), Shinjiro Otani, Masa Saito, Yugi Nagata, Jushin "Thunder" Liger
WCW stars who have visited New Japan: Sting, NWO Sting, Scott Norton, Chris Benoit (Wild Pegasus), Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Lex Luger, High Voltage, Hugh Morrus, Dean Malenko, Chris Jericho, M. Wallstreet
Alliance Information: Doing business for a number of years, the New Japan/WCW relationship was in doubt at one point during the year. But now with the returns of Chono and Tenzan, the deal seems to be just as strong as it was years ago. One of the more interesting angles that the two companies have done was a tournament between WCW and New Japan stars for the :World Cup of Wrestling" at Starrcade '95. The New Japan promotion, of course, jobbed to WCW. WCW has also let New Japan borrow the NWO angle in the Orient and it is widely popular as it was in the US.